Welcome to our new website! Please have a good look around and find out what it is like to be at St Peters. Please contact the school office if you would like to visit.
Welcome to our new website! Please have a good look around and find out what it is like to be at St Peters. Please contact the school office if you would like to visit.
St Peter's C of E Primary School


Steps taken to prevent disabled pupil being treated unfavourably.

The Equality Act 2010 guidance for Schools states that a person has a disability if:

“They have a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.” 

A school therefore mustn’t discriminate against a disabled pupil in relation to:

  •          admissions
  •          how their education is provided
  •          exclusion
  •          any other disadvantage, denial of opportunity or choice

That provision of education includes all school activities, spanning:

  •          assessments and internal exams
  •          behaviour/discipline management
  •          use of school facilities
  •          extracurricular and leisure activities
  •          after-school and homework clubs
  •          sports activities
  •          school trips

Supporting pupils in exams

Schools have a responsibility for ensuring that disabled pupils can access internal examinations. As such, there are various ways we can support pupils in their exams, including, but not limited to:

  •          granting them additional time
  •          making a scribe available
  •          enabling them to use assistive technology

Day to day support in place

We recognise that all children are unique, and this applies to children with disabilities, too. We make use of all available reasonable adjustments for children with a disability. Below we have outlined a range of strategies which we implement in order to ensure that children with any form of disability is not treated unfavourably. The list below is by no means exhaustive, and we make reasonable adjustments for all of our pupils on a bespoke, child-by-child basis.

  •          ear defenders to support sensory need or sensitivities
  •          access alternative arrangements during assemblies, sports days and other whole school events
  •          the use of a ‘quiet’ area or separate work station throughout the day
  •          sensory circuits
  •          sensory breaks
  •          wellbeing clubs
  •          lunchtime support
  •          emotional support through ELSA support
  •          CBT therapy through Thumbs Up!
  •          amended curriculum adjustments
  •          adapted curriculum access
  •          pre/post teaching strategies
  •          reasonable accessibility adjustments for school trips and visits
  •          slightly different timings in order to avoid busy and crowded corridors


If your child has a disability or if you require any further information, please contact our SENDCO, Mrs Buckle. Our Mental Health and Wellbeing lead is Miss Collins.

Mrs Buckle is an F2 class teacher and member of the Senior Leadership Team. If you have any queries or concerns about any issues concerning SEND, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Buckle or your child's class teacher: please contact the school office and either ask to make an appointment or request a telephone call.
Additional information can be found on Wirral's Local Offer, which can be accessed on this website.
Our School Governor responsible for SENCO is Mrs Childs-Fielding